11 – Southern Valley Trail

(Richland County)

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SouthernValley_11x17Snow Conditions:
Updated: March 13, 2025
Amount of Snow: 15-20 inches
Recent Snowfall: 0 inches
Snow Depth: 0-2 inches
Current Weather for Wahpeton

Trail Condition:

Trails are closed until we receive more snow. Here is a link to the section of ND Century code regarding Snowmobile Laws: ND Century Code Snow


Groomer Tracking Here

Trail 1:
Trail 1a:
Trail 2:
Trail 2a:
Trail 3:
Trail 3a:

Communities: (Click Here for Accommodations)
Walcott, Colfax, Abercrombie, Mooreton, Barney, Wyndmere, Mantador, Great Bend, and Wahpeton

Total Trail Miles:

136 Miles

Connecting Trails:

East Central Valley Trail and Sargent County Trail


The Southern Valley system has miles of groomed snowmobile trail which links nearly every city in Richland County.


Dave Ward


Southern Valley Trail Riders
17290 78th St. SE
Wahpeton, ND 58075