(Cass and Richland Counties)
Snow Conditions:
Updated: March 27, 2025
Amount of Snow: 14-18 inches
Recent Snowfall: 0 inches
Snow Depth: 0 inches
Current Weather for Fargo
Trail Condition:
Trails are closed. Here is a link to the section of ND Century code regarding Snowmobile Laws: ND Century Code Snow
Fargo East Trail:
Fargo West Trail:
Rural Cass South Trail:
Rural Cass North Trail:
Receive Trail Updates as Text Messages:
Rural Cass Snowmobile Club (Casselton, Leonard, Arthur, Harwood, Mapleton): send keyword “ruralcass” to 46986
Red River Sno-Riders (Fargo, Horace, Kindred, Christine, Walcott): text “snoriders” to 46986
SnowJam 2010 and the Snowmobile North Dakota State Ride: text “snowjam” to 46986
Links: www.snowjam.org
Communities: (Click Here for Accommodations)
Wild Rice, Hickson, Christine, Oxbow, Briarwood, Kindred, Davenport, Horace, Amenia, Casselton, Mapleton, Davenport, Leonard, Arthur, Argusville, and Harwood
Total Trail Miles:
196.5 Miles
Connecting Trails:
Southern Valley Trail Riders
The East Central Valley trail system is located in the southeast portion of North Dakota and primarily covers Cass County. It is about 20 miles from two different points on the Mayville-Portland Trail System (21 miles from Hillsboro and 17 miles from Galesburg). This trail also connects to two Minnesota trail systems managed by the Clay County Trail Blazers and Felton Roughriders.
Lavoy Wilcox
Red River Sno-Riders
PO Box 181
Horace, ND 58047
Rural Cass Snowmobile Club
PO Box 58
Casselton, ND 58012