Snowmobile North Dakota
Board of Directors Meeting
October 9, 2018
The Snowmobile North Dakota Board of Directors held a meeting on October 9, 2018.
Members Present: Reily Bata, Troy Klevgard, Joel Iverson, Laura Forbes, Sherman Pladson, Dale Deibert, Joanne Seifert, Joel Iverson, Shawn Cole, Brent Haugen, Perry Brintnell, Jeff Seifert, Randy Knain, Quince Hambek
Excused Absence: Reily Bata, Paula Berg
Others Present: Todd Thronson – Executive Director, Erik Dietrich – NDPRD
- Call to order at 7:04PM by Troy Klevgard
- Approve Agenda – Laura added an item to discuss about convention – Sherman made a motion to accept the agenda, seconded by Shawn, approved by all members present
- Approve Minutes
- The minutes of the May meeting were e-mailed to all board members prior to the meeting.
- Jeff made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Randy, approved by all members present
- Financial Reports
- The financial reports were e-mailed to all board members prior to the meeting
- Funds are a little behind so far this year due to memberships being down a little
- Reports
- President’s Report: nothing reported
- Office Report:
- Sno-Dak news is printing now, please get articles in on time
- SND Facebook total of 2307 likes as of October 11, 2018
- Todd was interviewed by the Bismarck Tribune for winter activities in North Dakota and that will run soon
- Some memberships have begun coming into the office for the 2018-2019 season
- Todd attended some trade shows this summer
- Amazon Smile – free money, please promote!
- NDPRD Report:
- Plan to rehire Matt’s manager position = restructure, adding on responsibilities with the Recreational Manager and Natural Resources Division will be more of a global overseer without so much hands on = there is a conditional offer out, hoping to start in November = with this Erik will have more oversight with us on the SND budget and OHV side
- Registrations hope to increase with predictions for more snow this year, same with out of state permits
- Grant Coordinator has been hired today
- To schedule a class now will need to call the office directly at 701-328-5357 now that Tari is gone
- Committee Reports
- Equipment Committee – will meet after Board meeting
- New groomer delivered to the Northeast, Cavalier unit went to Rolla and Rolla unit was traded in
- New drag is ordered and being built
- Budget Committee – nothing new
- Regulations Committee – no updates
- Awards and Nominations Committee – nothing new
- Trails Operations Committee – nothing to report
- Equipment Committee – will meet after Board meeting
- Old Business
- Probation Systems
- Northeast – until June 2019, on track with no new issues
- East Central Valley – came off probation in June
- Probation Systems
- Red River South – until June 2020, on track with no new issues
- Groomer Tracking Software & Mapping Program Update – Automated Logistics providing no updates as promised so we are researching another company with interchangeable hardware = working with NDPRD on this venture
- Tracked Vehicle Testing Reports – Report was sent out to board members – Shawn made a motion to disseminate test result information to clubs via SND website and Facebook so general public can have access to it before the convention, seconded by Dale, opposed by Sherman, approved by all the rest present, the motion carried.
- 2018 Convention – Magic City Driftbusters hosting November 30-December 1, 2018
- Board meeting needs to be moved to 6pm due to entertainment has been secured for Friday evening at 8pm – the board has no objections to the time change
- Will be at the Holiday inn with a Vintage Display
- 2019 State Ride – Moonlighters Snowmobile Club hosting in Langdon ND, Feb. 2nd – no one present to discuss, will table and discuss at next meeing
- 2019 Convention – Peace Garden Trail Association hosting December 6-7 – no one present to discuss, will table and discuss at next meeting
- New Business
- GPS Policy for plugging in groomers – will add to the checklist on the paperwork to remind drivers to turn on the GPS when starting to groom so it doesn’t get missed
- DOT Snowmobile Registration Take Over
- The document is on Melissa’s desk to sign to go forth with legislation for SND/NDPRD/DOT to take over the registration of sleds and OHVs
- So far this will not mean the hiring of any new people, just revamping the online registration reservation program already in place
- Now is the time to talk to your representatives to support this going forward
- Office Manager Position = not going to post right away = Todd needs to learn the details more so he can train the replacement person better – NDPRD staff will assist him as needed with office work – may need to consider a temporary pay bump for extra work that may be required for him for these few months
- Tracked Vehicle Test Results – March 7-10 in Bottineau – Matt, Erik, Tari, Todd, Melissa, Mark Brown (landscape architect) set up tracks including straight away, curve, trail and will test sled, dirt bike with tracks, side-by-side, tracked OHV, etc. and do information gathering and testing on variety of conditions and speeds and variety of riders. Compared to 2008 and 2014 ISA studies. Results were mailed out to board members and will be posted on the SND website and Facebook for club members to review.
- Google Map Filming
- Todd will be filming with Go Pro as he rides the trails and putting that on the website with the trail systems in a 360 degree view. This was also done on the walked trails with the Parks system and it turned out great.
- Adjournment
- Shawn made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Dale, approved by all members present – meeting adjourned at 7:53 PM.