December 6, 2013

Snowmobile North Dakota

Board of Directors Meeting

December 6, 2013

The Snowmobile North Dakota Board of Directors held a meeting at the Howard Johnson Inn, in Grand Forks on December 6, 2013.

Present Board Members:  Laura Forbes – President, Sheri Hoffmann – Vice President, Marty Malachowski – Past President, Dale Deibert, Byron Norsby, Mark Shipley, Brian Sauer, Perry Brintnell, Todd Rasmusson (Proxy for Brad Rodin), Dan Tveito, Kristie Thone, Jay Thone (Proxy for Troy Klevgard) and Tonia Dosch.

Others Present: Matt Gardner & Erik Dietrich – NDPRD, Keri Wanner – Executive Director & Tari Norby – Administrative Specialist & Todd Thronson – Trail Inspector – SND.

  1. A.     Call to Order – President Laura Forbes called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.


  1. B.     Approve Agenda
    1. Kristie made motion to approve the agenda as is, Brian second. Motion approved.


  1. C.     Approve Minutes
    1. October 26, 2013:  Marty made motion to approve, Tonia second. Motion approved.


  1. D.     Financial Reports – October 2013
    1. Kristie made a motion to file the financial reports, Dan second. Motion approved.


  1. E.      Reports
    1. a.      President Report:

i.     Laura mentioned that SND will have an article in the January issue of ND Living.

ii. contacted Laura; Laura will call back next week.

  1. They want to have an episode for the trails in ND.

iii.     There will be a survey handed out at the annual meeting for participants to complete.

iv.     Foy Cox sent an email to Laura complaining about the snowmobile fines and how other states come to ND without buying the non-resident pass.

  1. b.     Office Report:
    1. 1.      Marketing Statistics: 
  • SND Facebook:  Total of 951 likes on 12/2/13, (weekly reach 889))
  • Sno-Dak Facebook:  Total of 642 likes as of 12/2/13 (weekly reach 1,700)
  • Issuu:  weekly reach 800
  • Website:  Weekly reach 5,411
  1.                                                                         i.     Most Viewed Pages:
    1. Trails
    2. Events
    3. Convention
  • Constant Contact:  1,143 Contacts
  1. i.       Most Viewed Emails:
  • November 2013 Sno-Dak News (28%)
  • November 2013 Newsletter (26%)
  • November Sno-Dak News Reminder (25%)


  1. 2.      Sno-Dak News:
  • Total SND Office Sales: $21,143.34; Total L.B.L. Printing Sales $1,794.38 (L.B.L. Printing 25% = $448.59, SND 75% = $1,345.79
  • Product Trade valued at $3,000 for convention silent auction table.
  1. 3.      13-14 Membership Information:
  • The Sno-Dak News is being mailed to 1,009 households/businesses.
  • Will email the board a better membership number after the convention (this information was on the network which we don’t have access to as of yet; also the website membership access section needs to be re-entered for the new online software; we just gained access to this a couple weeks ago and this will be 1st priority when we get back from the convention)
  1. 4.      Safety/Enforcement Program Update: 
  • Still scheduling classes.
  1. 5.      Trail Map Update: This process has been delayed because of the network crash. Due to this, Todd will be sent out next week to start GPSing the trail changes to complete the map updates and mileage needed for the first benchmark.
  2. 6.      Get Registered Campaign/Results:
  • Registrations holding steady from previous report of an increase of 5%
  • PSA’s mailed out in November & created a media section on SND’s website for download
  • Working with NDPRD on possibly purchasing air time to promote the PSA’s
  • Working with Foremost on doing a safety brochure for a second mailing to the past registered snowmobilers reminding them to support the local trails
  1. 7.      12-13 Taxes & 11-13 Compilation:
  • The 2012-2013 taxes for SND and SNDTP have been completed and included in DropBox for your reference
  • The 2011-2013 compilation on SNDTP has been completed per contract requirements, this is also in DropBox


  1. c.      NDPRD:

i.     Mark Zimmerman has being talking with the ND Governor and talking him into attending the 2014 International Ride

ii.     The Governor has opted in for RTP funding

  1. Loudest voices came from the snowmobile crowd
  2. The max funding has been raised to $200,000

iii.     The trail crew went up to the Turtle Mountains and cleared some brush, Dale assisted the trail crew.

iv.     Safety Simulator is not at the convention (couldn’t fit through the door).

  1. Was going to teach volunteers to use it.

v.     Keri and Matt will be discussing the new budget at the annual meeting

vi.     Erik is still looking for event dates

vii.     Continuing working with DOT about taking over registrations

  1. Committee Reports
    1. Equipment Committee:
  1.                                                     i.     2012 RTP Grant: Finishing up 2012 grant purchases
    1. Signs are at the convention for associations
    2. Groomer was delivered on Tuesday
    3. Purchasing poles for the International Trail with leftover funding
    4.                                                    ii.     2013 RTP Grant: Equipment Committee meeting soon to start the processes.
    5.                                                   iii.     2014 RTP Grant: We will be able to apply for 2 grants right away, one for 2014 and one for 2015.
    6.                                                     i.     No Report
    7.                                                     i.     No Report
    8.                                                     i.     Awards: The awards will be handed out at the Banquet Saturday night.
    9.                                                    ii.     Nominations: Laura & Seri will run for President and Vice President again and Marty will run for Director-At-Large
      1. We will open the floor for Secretary position
      2.                                                     i.     No Report
      3. G.     Old Business
        1. a.      Cattail Trail Update: 
    1. Budget Committee:
    1. Regulations Committee:
    1. Awards & Nominations Committee:
    1. Trail Operations Committee:

i.     Cattail club members are registered for the convention and have been communicating with the office very well.  The trail system is being signed as well.

  1. b.     SND 40th Anniversary Logo:

i.     Tonia made the motion to reach out to public. Dale seconded. Motion approved.

  1. Suggesting $500 for new design
  2. Make sure 40 years is interchange
  3. February 1st Deadline
  4. Vote at State Ride
  5. We will reserve all rights to use logo
  6. Get all formats

  7. H.     New Business
    1. a.      Region 5 Trail Meeting Update:

i.     Meeting minutes are provided in Board packets

ii.     Red River Sno-Riders and Rural Cass attended

iii.     Talked about new trail funding program

iv.     New signing for 2014-2015

v.     Sno-Dak News:

  1. Looking at all online or newspaper style

vi.     Membership Packages

vii.     Allowing youth into bars that serve food until a certain time with a guardian

  1. b.     2013 SND Trail Program Guidelines

i.     Benchmark Penalties & Appeals Process:  Thanks to everyone that voted on the update for the Benchmark penalties and appeals process.  The new guidelines were reviewed.  This information is in the 2013 SNDTP Guidelines book which will be handed out on the DVD’s tomorrow during the annual meeting and also placed on the website.

  1. c.      2015 Convention:  No bids

i.     2014 Convention will be held in Minot by the Gasmann Coulee Cruisers Oct. 30- Nov.1

ii.     Please remember to submit a bid if interested in hosting the event

  1. d.     2015 State Ride:  3 nominations; Northern Lights Trailblazers-January 3, Northeast Trail Association-February, Southern Valley Trail Riders-No Date

i.     Board voted and the Southern Valley Trail Riders will host the 2015 Ride

  1. e.      2013 Grant & Aid:  Only received one application from Dakota Trailblazers. Perry made a motion to pay for the full amount ($500.26) and Brian seconded. Motion approved.

i.     Total of $706.83 left over in the account. Byron made the motion to roll over the funds until next year. Mark seconded. Motion approved.

  1. I.       Adjournment: Motion made by Marty to adjourn, second by Todd, approved.

Respectfully Submitted by:
Tari Norby & Keri Wanner

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