December 15, 2017


Snowmobile North Dakota

Board of Directors Meeting

December 15, 2017


The Snowmobile North Dakota Board of Directors held a meeting on December 15, 2017 at the Century Center in Bismarck.


Members Present: Dale Deibert, Joanne Seifert, Joel Iverson, Shawn Cole, Brent Haugen, Paula Berg, Laura Forbes, Perry Brintnell, Jeff Seifert, Jesse Fritz, Reily Bata, Sherman Pladsen


Excused Absence: Troy Klevgard & Quince Hambek


Others Present: Todd Thronson – Executive Director, Tari Norby – Office Manager, Matt Gardner – NDPRD, Melissa Baker – NDPRD


  1. Call to order at 7:10 PM by Laura Forbes
  2. Approve Agenda – Sherman made a motion to accept the agenda, seconded by Jesse, approved by all members present
  • Approve Minutes
    1. The minutes of the October meeting were e-mailed to all board members prior to the meeting.
    2. Brent made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Joel, approved by all members present
  1. Financial Reports
    1. The financial reports were e-mailed to all board members prior to the meeting
    2. Shawn made a motion to accept the financial reports as written, seconded by Reily, approved by all members present
  2. Reports
    1. President’s Report: nothing reported
    2. Office Report:
      1. Sno-Dak news is printing now, please get articles in on time
      2. We’re getting a free ad in AAA Magazine
  • Plan to take group photo with groomer tomorrow at 8:30 am for ND Living Magazine
  1. ACSA Calendars for sale again
  1. NDPRD Report:
    1. New director Melissa Baker introduced
    2. Ben Potts from enforcement will be at tomorrow’s meeting
  • OOS permits side updated
  1. Tracked bikes update – test on trails with criteria, put together a report, maybe in Pembina Gorge area and it’s multi-use trail with 2 way traffic and max width 60”
  2. Stakeholder Meeting week of 1/22 in Bismarck and Fargo
  1. Committee Reports
    1. Equipment Committee – will meet after Board meeting, new drag went to SVTA, delivered 2 weeks ago
    2. Budget Committee – will meet at the convention to simplify the financial reports
    3. Regulations Committee – no updates
    4. Awards and Nominations Committee – no nominations for 2017, please bring forward names for 2018
    5. Trails Operations Committee
  • Old Business
    1. Probation Systems – both the Northeast and East Central Valley are on track so far
    2. Groomer Tracking Software & Mapping Program Update – changed the background for maps to Google Earth/Google Maps – uses actual points groomer puts out when grooming – editable time cards right on this page, calculates hours, justify with time cards and operator hours
  • New Business
    1. 2018 State Ride – Edinburg will host for the Tri County Trailriders Club on February 9th & 10th
    2. Tracked Vehicles on Trails
      1. This will be discussed more at regional meetings and at breakout meetings at convention tomorrow
    3. Marketing Ideas
      1. Try to get some insurance companies for advertisers
      2. Any additional businesses for advertisers, give names to Tari and she’ll contact
  • Tourism Summit Meeting – shows partner with tourism – more info coming later
  1. 2018 State Ride – Edinburg ND – February 9-10, 2018 – Tri County Trail Riders
  2. 2018 SND Convention – Magic City Driftbusters, Minot ND – Nov 30-Dec 1 – Holiday Inn
  3. 2019 State Ride – Langdon ND Moonlighters Snowmobile Club
  4. 2019 State Convention – Bottineau ND
  5. 2017 Grant and Aid Application – Rough Rider Snowmobile Club will receive $750 for updates to a warming house, motioned by Jesse, seconded by Brent, approved by all present the motion carried.


  1. Adjournment
    1. Shawn made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Dale, approved by all members present – meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.
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