February 3, 2017

Snowmobile North Dakota

Board of Directors Meeting

February 3, 2017


The Snowmobile North Dakota Board of Directors held a meeting on February 3, 2017 at Dakota Farms in Rugby, ND.


Members Present: Dale Deibert, Jeff Seifert, Joel Iverson, Jesse Fritz, Perry Brintnell, Shawn Cole, Laura Forbes, Mark Forbes, John Kelly (Proxy for Reily Bata), Paula Berg and Quince Hambek


Excused Absent: Brent Haugen, Troy Klevgard and Joanne Seifert


Others Present: Todd Thronson – Executive Director, Tari Norby – Office Manager, Matt Gardner and Erik Dietrich – NDPRD


  1. Call to order at 6:30 PM by Laura Forbes
  2. Approve Agenda – Jeff made a motion to accept the updated agenda, seconded by Jesse, approved by all members present
  • Approve Minutes
    1. The minutes of the September meeting were e-mailed to all board members prior to the meeting.
    2. Shawn made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Mark, approved by all members present
  1. Financial Reports
    1. The financial reports were e-mailed to all board members prior to the meeting
    2. Dale made a motion to accept the financial reports as written, seconded by Shawn, approved by all members present
  2. Reports
    1. President’s Report: nothing reported as Troy not present at the meeting
    2. Office Report:
      1. February issue of the Sno-Dak News being printed
      2. Next deadline is February 10, 2017
  • Members are finally picking up and coming in the office
  1. NDPRD Report:
    1. Matt introduced some other park rangers that were present at the meeting
    2. Revenue from registrations is steady even though registrations numbers down but gas tax numbers are up
  • Jesse Hanson is sitting in as Acting Director of ND Parks and Rec until the governor appoints a new Director
  1. What is allowed on a snowmobile trail? Tracked bikes OK but not side-by-sides. Class I tracked trail usage permit enact next year as it will take that long to get stickers, books, permits all up and running and to get information out to the public.
  1. Committee Reports
    1. Equipment Committee
      1. New groomer is in Grafton
      2. Track, Inc has been sold to GetSno out of Vermont
        1. Will be based out of Warren, MN
        2. They have been good to work with
      3. Budget Committee – no updates
      4. Regulations Committee – no updates
      5. Awards and Nominations Committee – no updates
      6. Trails Operations Committee – no updates
  • Old Business
    1. Probation Systems – the NE is on probation until June 2019.
    2. Groomer Tracking Software & Mapping Program Update – System is up and running
      1. Contract groomers are not installed yet
      2. Todd will be sending the Trail Coordinators a link that shows a 6 hour delay in the trails
    3. 1st Benchmark
      1. Changed the wording of trail setup and half grooming to Trail Setup/Tear Down on the document
      2. John made a motion to accept the changes, seconded by Paula, approved by all members present
  • New Business
    1. Local City/County Groomer Emergency Use
      1. Matt and Todd had chatted prior to the meeting and if the groomer needs to be utilized for emergency use make sure to get reimbursement from the City/County
      2. CERT Training is also recommended, contact Todd if interested
    2. Law Enforcement
      1. Laura is interested in working with local law enforcement and conducting safety classes
      2. Matt and Erik said to have the local enforcement contact them and will work with them
    3. Vice President to President Position
      1. If person accepts VP position then they should go straight to President position
        1. Talk about it at next meeting
      2. Ice Thickness and Cattail Grubbing
      3. 2017 & 2018 Convention Hosts = no bids as of yet
      4. 2018 State Ride = Walhalla wants it and will be sending a letter to the office
    4. Adjournment
      1. Shawn made a motion to adjourn, seconded by John, approved by all members present
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